About Us
Great Products for Great Industries
Prune is go-to source for cloud-based software solution for enterprise businesses. Our mission is to bring the benefits of cloud software to clients in all industries. We customize our platform to meet specific needs of our clients and deliver superior solutions all while utilizing the latest open-source technologies (Odoo).
Great Products for Great Industries
Prune is go-to source for cloud-based software solution for enterprise businesses. Our mission is to bring the benefits of cloud software to clients in all industries. We customize our platform to meet specific needs of our clients and deliver superior solutions all while utilizing the latest open-source technologies (Odoo).
Our Team
Oktovan Rezman
Lulusan Informatika ITB 1997 dan Magister Teknologi Informasi UI 2003. Berpengalaman dalam menerapkan ERP Odoo di berbagai perusahaan manufaktur dan trading.
M. Tamam Syaifullah A
Mobile Apps Developer dan IT Trainer
Yulrio Brian
Lulusan Matematika Unpad dan Magister Teknologi Informasi ITB. Memiliki Certified Java Programmer. Berpengalaman di bidang Manajemen Industri.
Syamsul Maarif AB
Lulusan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai end user ERP sejak tahun 1995, serta sebagai konsultan sejak tahun 2010 di berbagai perusahaan manufaktur dan trading.